Two WIKA voting members in ASME

| | WIKA insight
Harper Muth

Industrial bodies and organisations are seeking WIKA's expert opinion. Larry Harper (l.) and Michael Muth (r.) of WIKA USA, for instance, now have consider­able say in ASME BPE. The ASME BPE is the Bioprocess Equipment group of the American Society of Mechanical …

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Surprised by construction speed

| | WIKA insight

WIKA is building world­wide. Wherever a subsidiary is erecting new premises, the factory plan­ning department in Klin­genberg is part of the deal. Also at WIKA Korea, with Florian Zahn acting as pro­ject leader. "We are involved in the planning and ensure that …

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In corporate blue on the pitch

| | WIKA insight

WIKA South Africa has for some time sponsored soccer kit, soccer balls and goal posts for the youngsters of the Mangolongolo informal settlement next door to their head office in Johannesburg. They have now trained up two soc­ cer teams to play against other teams and …

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