Part I of the article “Mechanical pressure switches vs electronic pressure switches” discussed the working principles of these two pressure switches in detail. This leave us with the question: When to use a mechanical or an electronic pressure switch?

Mechanical pressure switches

Mechanical pressure switches are often used, where price is an issue and where single switch contacts are the only requirement.  Also in safety critical applications, where they are working as a redundant safety guard, dormant for much of the time but providing an instant switch signal when the pressure has crossed the pre-set critical switch point pressure, they are regularly used. Yet, for process control, they are not the first choice in electronic systems, as mechanical switches are often affected by mechanical wear causing drift or premature failure.


Electronic pressure switches

Electronic pressure switches are used where multiple switch points, stability and flexibility of control is important. They are ideal for automated equipment and control equipment where programmable switches are preferred, as the desired switch point setup may change over the years.

Whenever additional analogue output signals, a local indication by display or flexible adjustment and programming are needed, electronic pressure switches are the primary choice. The consideration of these factors can help you choose between mechanical pressure switches and electronic pressure switches.

Furthermore, this differentiation is in many ways not only relevant to pressure switches, but also applies to temperature, level and flow switches.

If you need any help in selecting an appropriate switching solution for your pressure, temperature or level measurement, your contact person will gladly be of assistance.

Please find product information here: WIKA pressure switch

Have a look at our electronic pressure switch PSD-30.

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